How to increase your mobile phone battery life?

How many times this happens to you when you need to make or receive some important call your mobile phone battery gets down. This often happens with me and eventually I counter this problem with three dimensional strategy which is reduce wastage, keep an eye and backup.

I will discuss all three in details:

First, How to reduce wastage?

Screen Brightness: You should set your smartphone brightness yourself because automatic setting keeps on changing brightness and needs more energy.Furthermore, set small timeout to save some battery juice.

Wireless Connectivity:
Even though some functions such as EDGE,3G, Wifi,Bluetooth and GPS are very useful,but these functions consumes most of the amount of battery.When these functions are not in use,you should switch off them.

Push Notification:
If push notification of your phone is on then it keeps on checking for updates. It makes use of data connectivity or Wifi regularly. Some devices has ability to display these notification with voice. These notifications significantly affect the battery.

Background Tasks:
By default ,application keeps on running when you press home button, moreover, this way smartphone functions multitasking but on the other side consumes hardware resources and battery. To get out of app completely, use task manager and close applications manually.

Tips for Iphone

Location Service : 
To provide content and service some apps use Location Service. These apps do this task using wifi and GPS. It effects battery life badly. Go in settings and disable location service for application where it doesn't require.

System Service: 
Go into settings->Location Service->System Services and switch off location based Iads, Diagnostics,Usage,Traffic and Automatic time zone updates.

Tips for Android

Check Battery Uses: Go into Settings -->Application and check battery use. Disable or uninstall apps whom you are not using since long time, it will greatly improve battery life.

GPS Location: Android location settings use wireless network or GPS Satellites to find your location.If you want to close them, go into Settings-->Locations and Securities and switch off 'Use GPS Satellite" and 'Assisted GPS'.

Second,Applications which helps you in keeping eye:

Battery Saver Pro:
You can use this application with Blackberry Phone.It provides you clear GUI to monitor process.Using it you can optimize display and wireless connections.Furthermore, you can set low battery alert and can see battery usage graph.

Battery Life Pro:
You can use this application with iPhone. Its interface is very beautiful. It shows you graphs and system info for battery usage.It provides you one touch facility of switch on or off services like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3G and Push Notification.

Battery Saver:
Similar to above app but its for Windows Phone. You can add tile of this app on home screen where you can keep eye on wireless internet, 3g or data services and even on and off them from home screen itself.

Juice Defender:
This application is useful for Android Phones.You can customize your own preset from different options.

Third,Back up in the form of Accessories:

Battery Cases: It has one build in battery. It gets connected with phone charging port and keeps on charging internal battery.

Portable Charger: You can carry this charger anywhere and it helps you to charge your phone twice without any external electricity source.

Additional Battery:You can buy additional battery for your handset and keep it ready and charged for quick replacement.