Calculator on the Go

Most often we need to use calculator.Many of us use windows operating system at our home computer and use calculator provided by Microsoft.When we use other OS or devices , we miss windows calculator. Recently, Google provided solution for this problem. They introduced online calculator in their search engine which is not only easy to use but embedded in search itself.

You can use google calculator by using following steps:

1. Open

2. Type Calculator in the search box

3. Virtual Calculator will appear on your screen which you can use using your mouse or fingers(touchpad).

I hope that helped!

How to reset default search engine in firefox address bar?

Firefox has come with google as its default search engine, but sometime because of some software, it changes to other search engines such as Recently, I myself faced this problem and thought to share with you.

While we could easily change search engine in the right hand side toolbar by clicking the icon of current search engine and then clicking manage search engine, but in the case of url address bar, we need to open about:config from url. It is very easy to do and three steps procedure:

1. Type about:config  in your url bar and press enter
2. Click on I will be carefull I promise
3. Search for , Right click and Reset it to default. That's it!

I hope that helped!