Gate exam Preparation guide

I am posting lot of useful material and links for students who are preparing Gate entrance examination. As I am Computer Engineer this post is written according to them but it has some useful links for mechanical and electronics and communication students too.

According to the gate point of view the study material available at Mit opencourse ware is best. I pledge you that if you crack gate after studying that material please donate some money to MIT so that , they can continue providing these materials to needy students at free of cost.

I will discuss all important points step by step and guide you with the best links available for that:

1. How to prepare for gate?

Best article about it is written by an IIT'an Dvrrao and who cracked gate himself . I read many articles but I found this one interesting enough as well as motivating.

Click here to read Dvjrao Article and learn how to crack Gate examination?

2.Which books I need to Study?

In my opinion, it is not the book that matter but its upon you that from which book you understand well. If you are comfortable with Indian writers then you can opt them too. It is not significant that from which book you study but utmost important thing is that what you study should be according to syllabus and whatever topic you select , study it thoroughly.

To download some good books about Gate I recommend these sites :

1. CS IT Books

2. Computer Engineering Books

3. For download Previous year question papers of Gate :

4. Pattern of 2009 Gate Paper

5. For downloading notes I recommend MIT OPEN COURSE WARE , its course material is good as well as free. To search your Course you need google.

Type this string on google " mit open course ware YourSubjectName ".

Click on Download Course Material as shown in image.

5. Links for downloading books of Mechanical Engineering for Gate ( Requested by user)

I hope it helps!