How to reduce your obesity?

Fat To Fit,
Take a Few Steps
Do you really have to hunt for clothes that will fit you?
Whenever there is a sale, do you come back disappointed because the clothes on sale are for ‘normal’ people?
Do you feel a little guilty when you bite burger?
To put it plainly, are you obese?
Even if you are, stop worrying. Just read on and find out how you can shed those extra pounds and war the clothes you always dreamt of.

Crammed apartments with little space to exercise, long hours at the office the junk food for lunch and the quick bites al add up to make you overweight and obese.

Obesity is a major risk factor for diabetes. Now don’t confuse being obesity and overweight. Overweight is excess body weight whereas obesity means having high proportion of body fat. If physical exercises are nil and the intake of high calorie food is high you are prone to obesity.

Obesity takes a toll on you both physically and mentally. It makes you feel tired, gets you those awkward glances and invites a host of other diseases, diabetes being one of them. When the pancreas doesn’t produce any or enough insulin, it leads to accumulation of excess of sugar in the blood, which is bad for you.

The simplest way of tackling both of these health problems is to maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly and inculcate healthy eating habits. Exercising for 30 minutes everyday is good enough. It’s not necessary to go for strenuous exercise, even walking can do wonders.

Simple Exercise To Reduce Weight
1.Climb stairs. Even if you don’t have much room indoors, there would be stairs; use them.
2.Try to clean your floors without the vacuum cleaner. Bring on the good old jhadu pochha.
3.Try keeping a pet.
4.Each time your pet has to go out to answer nature’s call, you need to take him or her out!

Yoga Exercises

Video of Weight loss Yoga Exercise
Learn to Download this video

Swami Ramdev is perfect guru to teach Yoga. And he is very popular because of his techniques of Kapalbhati pranayam. But only problem is that his all videos are in Hindi. Still I am trying to show you two Video one is his interview and second one is Kapalbhati pranayama which is very effective way to loose weight.

Swami Ramadev at London

Yoga method to reduce weight(It is in hindi, As i will find english video i will update video)

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