Tips for Minimizing Exam Stress
1.It’s never too late to make a revision plan or timetable. Doing so will help you prioritise your work. But be realistic!
2.Schedule regular breaks and do take them. Make breaks longer as the day goes on. Most people can only concentrate fully for about 45 minutes at a time.
3.Avoid late night revisions. Work on your most difficult subjects during your ‘peak’ study hours.
4.Try to get enough sleep – tiredness promotes anxiety. Spend some time unwiding before you go to bed.
5.Make sure you spend some time relaxing and having fun.
6.Consider revising with friends – splitting responsibility for obtaining photocopies and revision nots can save a lot of time.
7.Avoid people who create panic. It can be contagious! Try not to have post mortems of each exam as this can increase the anxiety level about later papers.
8.Study always in quiet area away from noises and people in the house. Make sure your desk is tidy and organized as it will enable you to find all relevant information at one place instead of searching all over the house.
9.Make a ‘to do ‘ list before each study session. Breaking tasks down into small and manageable tasks will make it less overwhelming.
10.Look for past exam papers. They can give a fair idea of the examination pattern. It can help you in identifying the areas where you need more practice.
11.Don’t get distracted by the phone or emails.
12.Write down key concepts you have learned on small sheets and paste them around your house.
13.It helps remembering things like equations, quotes and date etc.
14.Writing practice should be done by solving different questions.
15.Deep breathing, yoga or any other relaxation techniques improve concentration.
16.Quickest and most effective way of elimination stress is to shut down your eyes and take deep breaths.
17.Never fear exams, avoid panic and do not worry about your results. Give your best shots and move over.
18.Eat right to beat stress
19.Cut down on table salt and other sources of sodium.
20.Drink only moderate amount of coffee and tea and remember that caffeine is present in both. Caffeine and nicotine are stress stimulates.
21.You should have eight big glasses of fluid daily. This helps to flush waste products out of the body.
22.Eat food rich in potassium like oranges and bananas.
23.Be sure to get enough calcium as you tend to lose it when you are stressed. Try ot have at least two glasses of skimmed milk everyday.
24.Intake of Vitamin Band C is important. Increase the intake of green leafy vegetables, milk, egg etc.
25.Try smaller meals frequently, rather than big ones. The additional small meals can be afternoon or bedtime snacks.
26. Visualize Positive things and have positive attitude before going to examination hall.
Some tips for parents
1.Students can fail to do well if they fail to cope with stress. Parents should guide their children in planning, organizing and setting a time table.
2.Parents must provide right kind of motivation and a conductive environment.
3.Help the child to develop self- discipline, self- confidence, self –direction and a sense of achievement.
4.The achievement goals should be realistically set according to the child’s capability. Do not impose your anxieties and expectations on him/her.
5.Humour relieves tension. Be light and humorous with the child.
6.Discuss his problems with him and help him to find a solution.Exams are not the end of the world.
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